At Give Me Strength everyone is regarded and treated as an athlete, whether they are currently involved in competitive sport or simply training to get stronger in order to cope with daily workloads.

We research and apply current sports science evidence-based principles to achieve results and avoid the world of fitness trends and the associated gimmicks.  We educate our clients and aim to facilitate a deeper understanding of why we train, rest and recover in a particular manner in order to experience enhanced performance, live a healthier lifestyle and achieve personal goals.

We believe in developing strength, power and muscular balance using free weights and minimal amounts of equipment.  As a result, you become more mechanically efficient, robust and resilient, which is hugely beneficial if you are either involved in sport and need to perform better, recover more efficiently or quite simply just want to boost your energy in order to cope with everyday life.

The training may be intense at times but we promote training smarter not always harder.  The training is always specifically designed for you and is based on initial assessments, previous injury history, current medical status and personal/competitive goals.

We encourage feedback and educate during training and do not expect you do something without knowing why you are doing it in the first place. Adherence and success are more likely if you buy into the training process; the methods used AND actually enjoy the experience!

To find out more about personal training sessions, book your free consultation today.