Would you like to know if your current flexibility and spinal movement is in the ideal range and if not, what to do to improve it? Perhaps you have had an injury which has created a lack of mobility or a flexibility restriction but would like a programme to address these issues or concerns?
Flexibility can affect the health of a joint if it is compromised. If the flexibility of the connective tissue surrounding a joint is unevenly restricted, there is a greater chance the joint and surrounding musculature will experience additional stress and increase the likelihood of muscle strain and/or ligament sprain.
Postural assessments
Good posture, adequate strength and balanced flexibility will ensure that forces received across the joint/s will dissipate through the correct areas and minimise trauma to the joint and the passive support structures. For example, poor upper spinal posture may lead to shoulder impingement, forward head type posture and increased neck and lower back tension. However, posture can be improved with a combination of regular stretching, massage therapy and specific corrective exercises. It is never too late to start this process and can be started at pretty much any age.
Start building your suit of armour and protect yourself by improving your posture, flexibility and mobility. It is never too late and can be applied at any age.
To book a posture evaluation, talk to us today.